
Oxford Opera take safeguarding and child protection extremely seriously. All Oxford Opera facilitators have: a valid DBS, a valid Safeguarding qualification, and a valid First Aid qualification. Oxford Opera also have strict Child Protection and Safeguarding Policies in place which can be provided.

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Safeguarding policies

Oxford Opera Company Limited: Safeguarding Policy

When working with Oxford Opera all singers, musicians, technicians, production staff and volunteers are entitled to:

• An environment free from bullying, intimidation, harassment or victimisation 

• Be treated with dignity, respect and courtesy

• Experience no form of unlawful discrimination 

• Be valued for their opinions, skills and abilities 

Production directors have particular responsibility for setting standards and ensuring appropriate behaviours are maintained. 

They should set a good example and ensure concerns raised are acted upon. 

The Oxford Opera Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) will have primary responsibility for overseeing procedures to safeguard young people working with Oxford Opera. 

Oxford Opera will require a completed consent form from the parent or guardian responsible for any young person performing with Oxford Opera.

When working with young people in a workshop or as part of a production, adults are expected to: 

• Provide an example they would wish others to follow. 

• Whenever practicable, ensure that another adult is present when in the company of young people (ideally mixed genders).     

• Undergo required background checks to confirm suitability for working with young people.

• Respect a young person’s right to privacy. 

• Remember someone might misinterpret actions and comments, no matter how well intentioned. 

• Be aware of the possible implications of physical contact with young people. 

• Avoid where possible giving young people a lift alone. When this is unavoidable, it is advisable to get consent from the young person’s parents or guardian. 

Support and advice is available from the DSL for any singer, musician, technician, production staff or volunteer experiencing, witnessing or having concerns about bullying, harassment or discrimination at Oxford Opera.

Designated Safeguarding Lead: Stuart Pendred.